Friday, June 15, 2007

40 weeks ...

Well baby is technically due today. We'll see if that happens. I certainly hope it does ...

I didn't really realize that the MBA program really starts from the moment that you're accepted. I've taken several personality tests and a rather lengthy career exploratory test so far which turned out to be surprisingly spot on for me. I also need to start working on my resume. We have access to a database of student resumes. I looked at one and thought, why did they accept me? And started to feel that no one would want to hire me even if I was attending the GSB. Does this insecurity ever go away? One of the cautions of my career exploratory test was not to undersell myself in interviews. It's hard for me to avoid. I still have trouble feeling that I'm worth paying sometimes ... strange stuff our brains and emotions. I am both supremely self-confident and endlessly insecure about my capabilities. I was hopeful that acceptance to the GSB would banish some of my insecurities, but in some ways I suspect the experience will just exacerbate them.

But I decided that my hiatus from the world o' finance/business has gone on long enough. As soon as I turn off this computer I'm going to sit down and read my pile of Financial Analyst Journals. I think I'll resubscribe to the Wall Street Journal and pay some attention to my Economist subscription again. And get my little stock portfolio in order.

1 comment:

Bancaku said...

Hope you had a safe delivery.Is it a boy or a girl?