Saturday, December 01, 2007

My, what a busy week!

I am so excited for finals this week not because I love exams (though, honestly, I don't really mind them) but because it means I can finally have a break. A real break, not the pseudo-respite that was Thanksgiving.
  • Over the Thanksgiving holiday decide to get serious about my entrepreneurial bent and make an appointment with one of the VC/Entrepreneur professors to discuss.
  • Monday: Last Corp Fin class in the a.m., attend lunch discussion on how to apply for the Entrepreneurial Internship Program, meet with second-year who is launching her own business this year, become less enthusiastic about entrepreneurship.
  • Tuesday: Start the morning with two plus hours of interviews with proprietary trading firm for internship that would start immediately. Make a bad impression by arriving 10 minutes late (after spending 40 minutes trying to park, note to self: take the train next time). Spend afternoon trying to write up business plan. Evening - pitch plan at Fast Pitch Challenge, prelude to the GSBs New Venture Challenge. Y and I take my sister out for a drink at the John Hancock building for her last night in Chicago (well, it has a view if not much else).
  • Wednesday: Econ in the morning. In lieu of the usual IMG meeting at lunch I attend the Polsky center's meeting about the Venture Capital Investment Competition. Decide that I have absolutely no relevant skills. Catch the tail end of the IMG meeting then off to Accounting in the afternoon. Evening multi-firm recruiting event with Janus, AXA Rosenburg (or is it rosenberg?) and two hedge funds. Decide none of the firms is a very good match for me.
  • Thursday: Attend Polsky Center's Midwest Alternative Energy Forum at the Gleacher Center with fellow from Kleiner Perkins as the keynote speaker. Am completely (re)inspired to dedicate myself to VC and energy "stuff". Leave early to attend completely worthless stock pitch game held at the Harper Center by well known mutual fund. (Note to non-career switchers, do not let anyone convince you that this would be worth your time.) Spend the rest of the night cramming for stock pitch.
  • Friday: More stock pitch cramming. Race to campus in time for well-known sell-side firm's stock pitch event. While more worthwhile than the previous night's stock pitch game, it would have been far more worth it if I had managed to complete my own original stock research rather than revive a stock I used to cover at my old firm. (That's for winter break.) Finally, have late afternoon appointment with VC/entrepreneurship professor who tells me that my VC aspirations are not in vain, could be realizable several years post grad. Throws me back in a tailspin about whether I should write off VC, pursue IM ... though I have decided to scrap doing the NVC since I'm not that excited about my business plan.
  • Saturday: all day footnote accounting fun.
  • Sunday: footnote accounting fun will not die then, finally, switch to studying for Corp Fin final.
  • Monday: Sit for Corp Fin final from 8-11a, race home to finish up accounting project, turn it in by 3:00p. Relaaax with Baby Y. Procrastinate online .... need to start studying for Econ final.


Anonymous said...

You were at the NVC 2 minute pitch? Which was your idea? The doctor matching service?

MaybeMBA said...

yes, actually that was my pitch :) I actually think it's a great business idea (or, at least I would love to be a customer) but I don't think it's a good full time job for me. was actually planning to post more about it on this blog, just in case someone is itching for a business plan.

Mo Zhou said...

WoW! You are amazing. I spent the past 3 hours reading your blog. Your story inspires me. Best luck with everything!